Wednesday, January 23, 2013


As I hinted at before I have a fabulous surprise for you all!! I got the opportunity to interview the author of The Grimm Diaries Prequels, Cameron Jace! At the end of the interview I will tell you about another surprise Cameron and I have cooked up for Valentines Day :)

Why did you decide to retell the Grimm Fairytales in this darker way?
Well, i didn't decide. It just came out this way. The Grimm's real stories were even darker with a lot of adult themes, but I thought, it should be darker but still be fun, so I settled for most of them being teenagers.

Were fairytales a part of your childhood? If not what books were?
Actually, yes and no. I read alot of fairy tales when I was kid, but didn't really like them. I think it's because I red the fluffy rewritten versions. There something wrong about them. For instance, I've always thought Little Red Riding Hood should be a kickass hero. But then I started rereading fairy tales when I was in my twenties. The reason was actually Neil Gaiman writing his amazing book Stardust and then Coraline, and I like the gritty dark yet funny feel to them. I ended up reading the original ones, and I huzzaa, I was in love with fairy tales all over again.

So, what is your favorite fairytale and why?

My favorite is one I am shocked not many people know about it. It's called the Buried Moon, about a girl who is actually the moon. I love it, and think I will write a series about it.

The paranormal is a big part of this series. What paranormal creature do you like the most?
Hmm... I am not sure, because I like alot. I like Hobbits lol, and I like Elves, and many others, but I'm sure I hate Goblins. Hate'm although they make me laugh. 

Going off that, we all have a desire to be a paranormal creature. Which creature would you like to be?
I'd go with Elves, they live longer, have a beautiful kingdom, and pointed ears. I like pointed ears:)

Haha I have a fondness of pointed ears myself :) Which authors if any did you draw inspiration from?
I was raised on reading Stephen King. I learned what character is from him. Neil Gaiman comes next, amazing writer. Then there is a long list that follows.

Do you listen to music while you write?
Sometimes. Usually I like a silent room with a view if possible. If i can't have that and there is the slightest noise for any reason, I listen to music of songs I really know well so they don't distract me.

A lot of my readers are college students. Did you have any memorable college moments you want to share?
College was an awesome time in my life. I remember getting heartbroken in college, lol. But the memories are endless. I don't know, but all that comes to me is that I had to fake paying attention in class. i mean, I discovered on my own quirky terms, that the best way to do whatever you want in class without being caught is faking attention from time to time, like raising your hand, asking as silly and generic question to get the teacher off your back and start having fun thereafter. Sneaky I know:)

Well there you have it. My first author interview!!! I hope there will be many more to come. As for the surprise I've been teasing you all with… Cameron Jace has been generous enough to giveaway any one of his books that you choose! I will be picking the winner through Rafflecopter. But first I have to figure out how that thing works haha I will post it tomorrow 



Friday, January 11, 2013

Michelle Reviews: The Grimm Diaries Prequels volumes 1-6

Oh my gosh you guys! I have stumbled onto the best little series! If you follow me on Goodreads  (link here) then you already know what it is. Drum roll please…. It's the Grimm Diaries Prequels by Cameron Jace!

The series is sort of like a peek into a fairytale character's (or as Jace refers to them in the book Immortals) world and in some cases mind. Each prequel focuses solely on one character (or one group of characters) plot line. Yet, all the books tie in with each other and begin to create a spiderweb of interwoven connections that you would never see coming. These prequels are darker and have more of a Coraline or a Snow White and the Huntsman feel to them. I like that they aren't the typical nice and pretty kind of stories that end in nice and pretty ways. They feel real and deal a powerful blow to any preconceived notions you had about your favorite fairytale characters. A vampire or two may even pop up *wink wink*

As the title "The Grimm Diaries Prequels" suggest there is a series of books yet to come. I believe Jace is going to add more prequels first in a separate bundle, but that hasn't been confirmed yet.

As I said on my Amazon review of the set: "[If] you like your fairytales with a side of blood and evil? Then The Grimm Diary Prequels are for you!"

If you are interested in purchasing the prequels they are all currently sold as an ebook bundle on Amazon for $0.99. The link is right here.

Oh and be sure to keep your eye on this blog because a certain author may have let me interview him and just might have something to give one of you. :)

Bye guys!



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Michelle Review's: Dash and Lily's book of Dares

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares
by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

If I were 12-14 I think I would have enjoyed this more. It was just too… fluffy for me. Everything was sweet and nothing was all that interesting. 

While the beginning and the overall concept were very cute, I grew extremely bored toward the end. I didn't feel like the characters devolved much throughout the story. Instead, every chapter was like a new version of the previous chapter.

The writing itself had a hint of John Green too it. Like how Dash used word play and there were dictionary definitions and such. But the depth that John Green adds to his books was lacking. But, to be fair, this book wasn't trying to be deep. It was meant to be cute and light, which it did accomplish.

Happy reading everyone!

